TIME and Place
Every day of KidsFest, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm, Riccarton Bush
Darkness transforms the natural world into a different place. It feels different, smells different, looks different and sounds different. Many of our special wildlife (and pests!) only come out at night. Learn all about them on this lantern-lit walk through Pūtaringamotu-Riccarton Bush!
For children
Free For caregivers
(Attendance required)
All ages
Riccarton House, Kahu Road
Riccarton christchurch,
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Darkness transforms the natural world into a different place. It feels different, smells different, looks different and sounds different. Many of our special wildlife (and pests!) only come out at night. Learn all about them on this lantern-lit walk through Pūtaringamotu-Riccarton Bush!